Thursday, August 21, 2008



“A Butcher, a Baker,
a Candlestick-maker -
Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief -
Soldier, Sailor, Tinker, Tailor -
Rich man, Poor man, Beggar man, Thief “

" The Journey Itself
IS the Destination! "

Guys, it's really gotta' become fairly clear,

willing or unwilling on your part,
fairly quickly that it has to be -
"That it's OK - that it's not OK"
that's the 'What Is' –
and let's go 'work' from there.
Fact: You're hurting and
you've got some problems.
Together, we gotta go in 'there'
and go Questing together. Live !

"Therapy" is not found in even the

best of books or CDs. Or on the Net.
It's a 'LIVE' Interactive Relating-Process -
It always has been. Interactively:
that's how the 'problems' started -
well, that's how they have to resolve !
Therapy: Two people sit down and
empathically 'Work' on one of them.
It's a living, live 'dynamic' - Face to Face.
this time around it's a co-operative 'dyad'
of two people who care, IN on this.
Therapy counseling is a 'relationship'
in it's truest form. . . AND
That's always disturbingly 'risky'
for the wounded Spirit to chance.

"The Greatest Risk is Not Taking One"
"Spiritual Adulthood" is offering
a much more 'radical' form of Counseling –
more geared to people in the whole spectrum

of contemporary Creative Arts and the best of
'New-Thought-minded' sensibilities.
Maybe more Green or Liberal or
'Cultural Creatives'. Maybe just You.

The "Spiritual Adulthood" exploration

encourages and supports a very eclectic
“Inquiry into Self” practice, combining
the cool, calm 'observation' approach of
traditional, quiet Mindfulness Meditation,
with effective 'crazy wisdom' irrationality of
'Zen-mind Realizations' that can cognitively
short-circuit the common but so obsessive
self-involved, self-absorbed,
self-identified ego-mind.

" One easily-made, very common mistake
is to think that 'your reality’ is THE Reality.
You must always be prepared to bravely leave
your reality for a greater one."
~ Meeraji

We encourage highly inquisitive,
progressive-minded people,
with a natural, deep love of learning -
who relish the abstract,
and even the absurd
and have a genuine taste
for the indefinable 'existential' stuff.
~ and Buddhist psychology is playful too....

" . . ever noticed, that it's Always NOW "

~ Alan Watts
he suggests you repeatedly keep
noticing this many times a day . . .
Usually, the people who do eventually
come to us - are more explorative curious,
do have a more active intellect, and are
innately, intensely inquisitive people
by their nature. Not 'Ordinary Americans'.
The 'Inner-Search', 'The Ouest' and

'The Mystery' - 'Understanding' of it all.
They are people who relish the 'safari'

of it – the 'search', the 'inquiry', the brave
'quest' of it - hurting or not - rather than
'popular' ideas and packaged prescriptions
just 'served-up' ready to eat. No quick-fix.
'Enlightened Freedom' is 'experiential' -

just not a 'home-deliverable 'product'.
For each of us - all growth is a life-long
psychological pilgrimage, experienced
thru a compassionate Spiritual Heart. . .
that includes live, full, rich relationship
experieces with all other living beings.


" Grandfather - What is Destiny? "

“ DESTINY is every step we’re taking
and going thru right now - to get there ”

"So, You Really Must Consciously Choose

and make the Choice of Good Spirits
to Re-Choose again & again -
to Openly 'Talk Truth' with Someone

...and keep it up ! .. Keep it up !
To Openly keep Talking with Someone.

To be Open to 'Trust'

in gradually letting it all arise and unfold -
Messy or tidy, depressed or distressed.
We all have these feelings.
It's nothing new."
~ Grandfather Bearheart, contemporary Creek Elder
"Eighty percent of success

is just showing up"
~ Woody Allen

Go ahead and get into some

quality counseling-therapy –
You, really being heard –

here or somewhere
that they will really take
a deep caring to listen to YOU –
and really, really hear you.

that’s a very courageous move on your part –
to move yourself into a 'counseling-setting'.
It just may be the right place for you to start.
Be very welcome to inquire more about us,
as you search out where to do this inner-work.
Please Read Some More on this site.

Maimonides, more than 800 years ago said:

"A Single Deed,
a Single Word,
a Single Action,
even just One Single Thought,
has the power to TIP the scales
and bring redemption & resolve to your world.
No matter how dark that world may seem

or feel ~ Light is just a single action away."

A "Cultural Creative" ~ are you one ?
Don't Know ? 'Not Identified' means
that they themselves do not know they
are part of a larger sociological grouping,
that it has a 'name', and that there are
'others' like them out there.

"There is now a rapidly growing number
of very bright American people who basically
have a whole other level, a much, much
higher level of true intellect operating,
an intelligent, 'reformed', deeper level
of Inner-Unfolding of Inner-Spirit".
But a 'need' - without any 'religion'.
~ "The Cultural Creatives" ( 2000 )

– and we wish to encourage & assist you
as you bring yourself to this new level
of a natural, highly conscious,
sensitive awareness –

and fearless unfolding...
Thank you for reading all this!
Hopefully you'll learn to cherish

The Life-Journey even more –
for – "The Journey Itself IS the Destination!"
Be Brave, Courageous and Enjoy the Journey ~
"The Greatest Risk is Not Taking One"

"Cultural Creatives"
from Wikipedia,

the free encyclopedia.

"Cultural Creatives", a term coined by
sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist
Sherry Ruth Anderson to describe a large
segment ( 23% ) in Western society that has

recently developed beyond the 'standard
paradigm' of established Modernists
versus Traditionalists or Conservatives.

The concept was presented in 2000 in
their book The Cultural Creatives -
How 50 Million People Are

Changing the World
( Harmony Books, New York ),

They claim to have found that 50 million
adult Americans ( slightly over one quarter
of the adult population) can now be 'identified'
as belonging to this 'group' of individuals
which have not yet found its OWN 'identity'

but is disenchanted with materialism and
consumerism, and most of what is currently
available in the daily round.
Dr Ray calls this segment
The New Progressives.
This growing section of the population is
admittedly 'Spiritual' & embraces the 'practice'
of spiritual values in daily life without formal
'Not Identified' means that they themselves

do not know they are part of a larger
sociological grouping, that it has a 'name',
and that there are 'others' like them out there.
Many of the urban cohort patronize specialty

stores and specialty children's schools etc.
that support their values. Many adherents
to the tenets of the 'cultural creatives' tend to
become familiar with a variety of religions
and seek to identify with principles that are

universal among all religions & philosophies.
The intention is to search for universal,
practical spiritual principles that have
deep intrinsic value - and do not depend on
ecclesiastical authority whatsoever.

Read More:
Links to alternative lifestyle; modernism and

postmodernism; post-materialism; tempered
radicals; voluntary simplicity.
