Friday, August 22, 2008

ABOUT US • • • WHY of all possible things - Are We BUDDHIST-based ???


Why of all possible things ~
Are We Buddhist-based ?

◊ ◊ ◊ WHY we particularly use the 'Buddhist brand-name'
is because those Asian Buddhist cultures have really got
some of the most skillfully mature, very grounded,
least misleading, most inclusive and the very best
of the compassionate 'mind-healing techniques'
available on the planet so far - at least, so far as
we've come across ....So we use 'em.
And we're very much still open & strongly eclectic:
We use many diverse approaches – so we'll use
what YOU need – not what 'we' like best. We're on
your side! There is no one-way !
We practice as Buddhist ministers not as
licensed clinical psychologists or MFTs.

We Are a Very Unusual
Counseling Service . . .

do we align ourselves
with the Buddha's teachings ?
Because, Buddha himself said –
we should "Believe Nothing –
Examine & Question Everything"
.... and we feel we can trust & have faith in that.
An open-ended, no strings attached philosophy
always sounded good to us. Honest, Clean, Upfront.

It is mostly our deeply ingrained,
mostly unconscious
"Beliefs" - that are at the very core of our Problems.
We will assist you to find your very own Wisdom-mind –
and we are going to try n' guide you towards developing
some strong Meditation and Compassion Practices
that will begin to help you heal your own Suffering.

Back in 500 BC India 'Openness' was revolutionary also.

Buddha offered a totally no strings attached, wide open
invitation to inspect, to question, scrutinize, if need be,
to even criticize his teachings - before ever accepting
any of it. There is nothing ever 'religious' or 'cult-ish' or
'mysterious' here at "Spiritual Adulthood" – an open book.
Buddhist-wisdom is intelligent, softly sober & crystal clear.

It's genuine as solid gold. In places it's philosophical or
sagely gentle, or it can be challenging, playful or purposely
bewildering. The Buddha himself often said:
"Do not go accept what I say through mere respect
towards me, because people say I am a Buddha.

Just as the true purity of real gold is only ascertained
by thorough testing, weighing or rubbing – likewise
the true Truth be accepted only after very close scrutiny."
This open, fearless assertion of allowing the whole of
the Teaching to be closely examined – gives a strong,
personalized, experiential validity to one's own Truth.
Take nothing on "Belief".... It must be Your Truth !

And, if you do not wish to contact us at this time,

or not inquire any further into the counseling we offer,
we hope you'll still make good use of the enclosed
supportive quotes & readings on these blog pages
to further your own journey deeply inwards.

" What is accepted by the majority of people ~

does not mean it is Real "
~ The Buddha

" One common mistake is to think that 'your reality’

is THE reality. You must always be prepared to leave
your reality for a greater one " ~ Amaji Meera


& RATIONAL THERAPY for Mind & Heart

What's a Buddhist-based COUNSELING-THERAPY ?

Possibly, an effective Buddhist-based 'Alternative' for you ~
As an Asian
method, this would be a more 'non-traditional'
way for your Discomforted Mind, your Wounded Inner-Spirit
or your Despairing Relationship – all in the midst of our very

edgy, costly, distrustful, needy, over-driven, survival-stressed,
tense Uncertain Times.
"Buddhist Rational Therapy" is more unconventional than
an ordinary, standard, non-spiritual 'Western-style therapy'.
But so are you . . .

It's simply that the 'Spiritual-Comes-First'

in HEALING THE MIND – it has to . . . .

Nourishing "The Wisdom-Spirit" is a big part of The Start.
Upset' sadly, has no functional Wisdom itself.
It just hurts much too much - or somehow shuts right down.
Big emotions are into being in a very 'protected' safe-mode.

So, we start
with the 'hidden' but available "Good Parts".
Yes, they are certainly there ! The Buddha-Mind within you.
Hey, the fact that you've got this far, made it somewhat intact

to this web-page, is some kinda' Karma-proof that you're into
something good for yourself ! Give yourself lot'sa credit.

You'll be learning how to develop a calm,

on point, very centered Wisdom-Mind.
The 'Good Part' is that the 'Buddha-Mind'
is something that everyone inherently possesses !

so please, just keep reading . . .

Great Humanistic Teachings

about Authentic Independence of 'Self'
& Compassionate Inter-dependence
in relations with All Others - at the same time

Your Evolving-Mind certainly CAN be Free,

and at Peace, and Awaken All By Itself !
Otherwise, then that's a

pseudo-awakened freedom –
and wouldn't be all yours – your very own.
If others try 'n convince you, persuade you
into being Free, this new 'borrowed' freedom,
this pseudo-transformation, catharsis, release
or resolve, new found sense of being, would only
be a compromise. Nice but time-limited.
And not Yours. It would be somebody else's sale.
Your therapist's, your counselor's? Even your pastor
or rabbi's? Your therapist's, your counselor's?
It has to be your own authentic Discovery-Experience
or it would be conditional. It would be only temporary.
Buddha's 'free-thinking' teaching-philosophy had all
this great emphasis on 'Genuine Inner-Independence'
and a compassionate Social Inter-dependence.
Buddhist thought has a rational, non-theistic,
calm, sane, tolerant history of Inner-Freedom.
'True Independence' of mind leads to an altruistic
serving of human-kind even better through a creative,
truly free, willing 'Inter-dependence' - which is certainly
not a
compromise or an obsessive co-dependence.
Nothing coerced. Free All By Itself ! ...Fly free,

no wing-subscription required . . Authenticity of Being.
Otherwise it wouldn't be YOUR own Awakening - and
so, Just Not Free. It'd be a compromised awakening,
dependent on some 'other' condition being in place -
or person in agreement. Not a truly Free moment.
The body is based on Nature's REAL conditions -
but the Mind ? What REAL 'conditions' limit
& bind the Mind and thought ?
Ask that question many times over !

All your mind needs for awhile, is the right 'software'
and a meditation 'method' to silently practice it with.
You don't need devotion to a guru, an organization,
a strict doctrine or arduous discipline or a 'religion'.

Just the 'Rational',

deeply appreciating the 'Mystical'
and the 'Mystical',

deeply flavoring the 'Rational'.

All and everything else is accommodated
in the incomparable, awesome presence
of the "Present Moment As It Is".


If you know someone else in
your life who just might benefit
by our offerings, be welcome to put them in touch with us
here at The Spiritual Adulthood Counseling Therapy Project.
