Sunday, August 24, 2008

ABOUT YOU • • • What's Going On WITHIN You ? — "The Problem"


“There is no such thing as a "Problem"

without somehow a ‘Gift’ for you in its hands.

Sometimes you have problems

because you need their gifts.

It is through gifts that you grow.”

~ Richard Bach

In the really Big Picture for Everyone.
...:: THE PROBLEM ::.




~ American Poet Laureate Robert Bly




Many, many folks aren’t. We’re in very agitated,
anxious, turbulent, uncertain times right now.
Career & Life-Purpose Despair, Emotional Stuff,
Mood Swings, Mid-Life Changes, Painful Family

Issues or Partner Relationship Dilemmas or Deep
Unhappiness or Loneliness don’t make it any easier.
Life can ride so rough on ya' – hopelessness sets in...
So please, go ’see’ somebody - here or elsewhere -
but Do GO and really settle in & start working it out.
‘You’ - really being heard from way deep inside, and
coached forward & thru by a counseling therapist who
can deeply understand you – very human to human.
So get up out of your own ‘protective’ self-imposed
isolation – blaming, excusing or rationalizing: it's such
a narrow limiting – that “I can do this by myself” mantra –
reinforced by those ego-pride-shame-hurt-loss-fear-cycles.
Just put yourself into a series of counseling sessions
for awhile. Open it all up ! In a place of safety & trust.
It’ll be good for you - you’ll be on an accompanied path
to get some relief and resolution, and even some joy
and laughter. This is where you can work on your stuff,
and work on your Soul on a ‘frequent enough’ basis
to make a really Noticeable Difference.

At least phone us. There is NO obligation to having
a FREE phone-consultation with us, so we both can
see if this could feel right & be workable for you...

Another Very Basic Problem

" There's no room anymore for my Intelligence
to simply, sanely, sort & separate out anything.

Emotions get to so totally run thinking. So What IS true ?
Emotions get to be so totally run BY thinking. Which IS true ?
Thoughts get so enmeshed and mixed with yukky feelings
and old embedded war 'stories' of wounds & betrayals.
Feelings so overwhelm and flood thinking.
Flooding is all that's happening sometimes.
Emotions run thinking
s t r e s sThinking runs Emotionss t r e s sPainful memory 'thought-illusions' have
the 'appearance' of Reality - and are not.
Overwhelm, confusion, hopeless, numb...
Angry & Sad – bad sleep, stress, stuck.
Sick & Tired of being sick & tired. Shit ! "

~ J.K._____________________________

Just Maybe You’re a
Very ‘U N CO M M O N’ PERSON ~
“An Unusual ‘Uncommon Person’
Already, Always Feels Different —
in a Very Non-Assimilate-able Way —
just not ‘fitting in’… sadly, that's most people.
But for the odd, gifted, truly ‘uncommon one’ —
it’s sort of a double-whammy to carry!”
~ Humanistic psychology creator Abraham Maslow (1947)
UNHAPPY UNUSUAL ‘UNCOMMON’ PEOPLEare sensitive, smart, creative, intelligent, individualistic,
higher-consciousness people - artistic, intellectual,
mystical, musical, magical, poetic & spiritual.

So you probably also need a
‘Non-traditional Therapist’ who 'gets' it ~
a therapist who truly understands “non-mainstream”

life-styles, spirituality, or the creative Arts - a seasoned
therapist who is deeply empathic - and who genuinely
understands ‘uncommon’ and ‘unusual’ or ‘non-ordinary’
people that are quite unique or gifted, but yet still quite
unhappy —
People who are carrying the twin burden of 'specialness'
and yet self-loathing - all covered up as it may be.

You may be a very ‘Individual’ Person
who normally feels very naturally directed inward,
'spiritual-oriented' - and yet you’re struggling
to get ‘worldly’ problems and emotional issues
handled realistically and with integrity as well –
yet without you having to commit to any sort
of religious path whatsoever! We DON'T DO any
‘religious’ preaching or dogma - No special jargon.
Nothing to 'buy into' or be persuaded to ‘believe’ in.
Just the daily emergence of your own individual
true 'Knowing' - and personal excellence!

We assist you in self-discovering a ‘natural unfolding’
of unshakable balance, boundless wisdom and joy!
And your innate good humor!
Liberating a new sense of caring & connectedness
with yourself, other people and your widening universe –
an embracing and expanded "Inner-Acceptance
and Outer Effectiveness". A ‘True’ happiness
independent & much, much more non-reactive
to the constant, unavoidable effects
of ‘everyday’ circumstances & conditions !
Really, a responsible, authentic ‘true freedom’
as they’ve spoken about for millennia
in those profound Ancient Wisdom-teachings.

"Maybe Buddhist Therapy is the new Acupuncture"........ remember when when 'acupuncture' started be around .... and as the new treatment, was found to be surprisingly quite effective.


Buddhist-based Wisdom Therapy .....offers highly effective, compassionate
....... yet realistic 'Alternative Approaches' Relating with Your 'Self'
...........and All Other Living Beings.
.Some Very HAPPY UNCOMMON PEOPLE Have Said . . .
"You began as a creation.
Now become a Creator.
Never, never wait at a barrier."
~ Rumi

."Our 'constant inquiry' is our passion –
and our passion itself is our daily task.
'Inquiry' is our passion. From there –
the rest is the marvelous madness of art."
~ Henry James, "The Middle Years" .
."Be daring, be different, be impractical, anything
that will assert 'Integrity of Purpose'
and Imaginative Vision –
in contrast to the play-it-safers, the sad
self-limiting creatures of the commonplace,
the sleeping slaves of the unconscious mundane."

~ Sir Cecil Beaton 1904-1980) English portrait
..photographer, film & stage designer.
.Buddhist Counseling & Therapy:
It’s been done very effectively

for 1000’s of years …


" The Journey Itself
IS the Destination! "
Guys, it's going to become clear,

cool & calmed down fairly soon –
It's also going to open up to ....
"That it's OK - that it's not OK" -
That's the 'What Is' of it – and
let's do the inner-'work' from there –
It's simply a fact: Beyond the grip of denial,

you're hurting & you've got some problems.
Together, we've gotta go in 'there' –
a sort of inner-Questing together.

"Therapy" is not found in even
the best of books, CDs, or on the radio.
It's a 'Live' Interactive Relating-Processbetween client & counselor - it always has been.
Two people sit down and togetherempathically 'Work' on one of them.

"Spiritual Adulthood" is a much more 'radical' form of Counseling – geared to intelligent people in the contemporary
Creative Arts and
New-Thought-minded sensibilities.
The people who do eventually come to us - are usually

more explorative, curious, have a more active intellect,
and are intensely inquisitive people just by their nature.
The 'Inner-Searchers of Comprehension' are people
who relish the 'safari' of it – the 'search', the 'inquiry',
the 'quest' of it - hurting or not - rather than having
ideas & prescriptions just 'served-up' ready to eat.
"Enlightened Freedom" is certainly
.not a home-deliverable product.
Never was . . .
For each of us - for all of us, Freedom

is all a life-long psychological Pilgrimage
experienced thru a Spiritualized Heart . . .
------------------------------------------Thank you for reading all this!
Hopefully you'll learn to Enjoy a Rugged Journey –
It is – for " The Journey Itself IS the Destination !"
Be Brave, Courageous & Stay the Course !
Keep The Faith !

" Grandfather - What is Destiny? "
“ DESTINY is every step we’re taking
and going thru right now - to get there ”

~ Grandfather Bearheart, contemporary Creek Elder

"You Really Must Consciously Choose

to Make & Re-Make the Choice
to Re-Choose again & again -
to Openly Talk with Someone…
and keep it up – Talking It Out –
to Openly keep Talking with Someone.
Trust in gradually letting the deep clear
water rise up from down the old well -
flow, flush & unfold –
Messy or tidy,
neat or controlled -
we all have these feelings." ~ Bhante Sudu Hom'Dru

"Eighty percent of success is just showing up" ..~ Woody Allen

Go ahead and please get into some quality

counseling-therapy – you, really being heard –
here or somewhere.
That they will really take deep caring
to listen to YOU – really, really hear you.
That’s a very courageous move on your part –
it just may be the right place for you to start.
Be very welcome to inquire more about us,
as you search out where to do this inner-work.
Maimonides, more than 800 years ago said:

"a single deed,
a single word,
a single action,
even just one single thought,
has the power to TIP the scales
and bring redemption to your world.
no matter how dark that world
may seem or feel ~
light is just a single action away."

"There is now a rapidly growing number of
bright American people who basically need
a whole other level, a much higher level,
an intelligent, deeper level of assistance
for their Inner-Unfolding of Spirit"
~ 'The Culture Creatives' (2001)
. – and we wish to assist you as you
bring yourself to this new level
of a natural, highly conscious,
sensitive awareness –
and fearless unfolding..._______________________