Wednesday, August 20, 2008

HOW LONG Does Therapy Take ? • How Many Visits ?

"The Only Way Out Through !"

~ The Tao
How .L o n g
Does 'Therapy' Take ?

There are a lot of factors involved. . . .
Hidden in these 'poetic' quotes are
some responses to this Question:

Therapy takes time & takes Work.


"It is still up to you to choose ~
to join with ‘truth’ or with ‘illusion’.
But remember, that to choose one
is to let go of the other.

When the way comes to an end,
then change -
having changed,
you can then pass through."... ~ The Tao

~ a taoist parable

on the struggle of living through things ~
When wiggling through a hole -
the 'difficult' world looks different -
than when scrubbed clean

by the wiggle itself 
and now looking back.
~ Mark Nepo

I love you, gentlest of Ways –
you who ripened us ...
as we wrestled with you...

~ Rilke on Buddhism (Paris 1908)

Individual people
stumble over pebbles,
never over mountains.
~ Emilie Cady

T I M E .

How Many Visits ?
How Long Does 
....'Therapy' Take ?
......This is a huge
...........question !
............ It takes
.............T I M E .
You've gotta plan on giving it some open-ended time
Honestly: We really don't know - it's really case by case
Inner-Healing of any kind takes its own time –
person by person, situation by situation.
Certainly one session is not enough
to be integrative, effective & lasting –
except just as an introduction for the client
& counselor to simply check each other out.

AND for the client to 'confirm' for themself -
that they are hopefully doing something good
by the active decision to seek counseling.

In a preliminary session - maybe we can observe
a basic 'diagnosis'. Maybe. Maybe we can inform you
in a few first sessions what we may be looking at
as to how "a therapy" might develop, maybe we could
refer you somewhere that could work in a better balance
with your particular needs and/or finances. Maybe.
Please plan on at least a few more 'beginning' sessions
to see if even a common ground of open communication
exists – and might grow between you and your counselor.
You gotta' give 'it' a chance. What else can we say?...

That's why we offer a FREE phone consultation - First,
before coming in here for the first time. Inner-Healing
MUST be a very, very 'Human' thing. A 'therapist' is
a special new 'human' in your life. Beginning 'therapy'
is sort of a professional Blind-Date. Do you two even
'like' each other ? So go easy on the immediate
impulse to judge or evaluate these first few sessions –
give a fresh new experience a fresh chance.
Therapy takes time & takes work.
We're also looking at how or how not
have you spent money on yourself before ?

And, please, do not expect only a few sessions
to be sufficient: 'Self-healing' your difficult-issues
and wounded-feelings that took your whole life-time
to develop - will certainly take some time to turn around.

There are NO silver bullets, no magic pills or divine
interventions. No fantasies. There IS a lot of 'resistance'.
Of course there is, that's how you survived so far . . .
You & your counselor are going to have to work & talk
very intimately – and be openly truthful, trusting & honest.
Change takes willing work & time...
and responsibility.
And at times you will experience painful moments,
even days -

and even 'scrape bottom' where hopelessness lies... be brave.

After a short time actually - you might begin to progress
towards a healthy noticeable 'shift' in your very own
'experience' of yourself. It's gonna take some TIME.

... small victories & baby-steps
..give authentic,
realistic motivation
& momentum to the journey.

" While one person hesitates because they
'feel' inferior & 'think' insecure thoughts –
The other is just busy making mistakes aplenty
and becoming quite superior."
....~ The Tao
"There is now a rapidly growing number
of uncharted, bright American people
who basically need a whole other level,
a much higher level, an intelligent,
deeper level of Inner-Unfolding of Spirit"
The Cultural Creatives by P. Ray & S. Anderson.

– We wish to assist you as you bring yourself
to this new level of a natural, highly conscious,
sensitive awareness – and fearless unfolding...
below the surface of American culture,
a slow, new, American indigenous
'revolutionary' movement
is emerging.
You may be a very 'individual' or 'introverted'
or 'introspective' person - all very good things.
Simply, you Do turn naturally 'inward' – some
turn naturally 'outward', you turn naturally 'inward'.
Maybe you're creative or spiritually-oriented.
Yet you're struggling to get everyday
‘worldly’ problems and emotional issues handled
realistically and with a sort of 'sacred integrity' as well
– yet without you having to commit to any out-dated
or un-relatable therapies or 'religious paths' whatsoever.
On the other hand, the usual Western styles of therapy
or self-help 'programs' or personal growth seminars
can sound quite 'scripted' - not like You at all.
The spirituality of contemporary Buddhism is so flexibly
open and universal ( & agnostic ) - that it can always be
expressed in your own way. To start, it's all about you.

So you probably need a 'Non-traditional Therapist'
who is them-self “non-mainstream” minded:
a counselor who genuinely understands what it is
to be 'Unconventional' – empathically understanding
what is an 'uncommon' lifestyle - or a life in the arts
or intellect – and truly "gets" it about special people
who are quite different, unique or gifted, unusual
or non-ordinary – but quite unhappy.

"But therapy is not a one-shot deal !"

There are no 'miracles'. No silver bullets
It'll take some months of consciously applied
inner-practice-Work. Like doing the Gym.
You've gotta' accept that you yourself
are the front end of the best of miracles ...
... your Life."

At Spiritual Adulthood Counseling

we offer NO 'religious' preaching or dogma -
to blindly "believe" in.

We just ain't got No easy answers .
. . .
Just the natural emergence of your own
individual True 'Knowing’ & personal excellence !
It's taken you a long time to become your very own
"Bodhisattva" - a sort of "Buddha-in-the-making".
There you are Becoming Happy as the True You.

We mentor you in your very own inner-discovery
of a very 'natural unfolding' – a calm, true unshakable
balance of boundless wisdom & joy. And finding
your own innate good humor.
Liberating a new sense of caring & connectedness
with yourself, other people and the universe around you.
Discover and unfold a rich, enhanced, expanded inner-
acceptance and outer-effectiveness.
But it's not a one-shot deal. It'll take Work.

‘True’ Happiness – reasonably independent of the
unavoidable effects of ‘everyday’ life-circumstances
and conditions. Yet, totally independent of the
"Self"-created 'Stories' & 'Drama' you habitually hurt
yourself with. Find really 'true inner-freedom' as
they've spoken about in ancient Asian teachings
for many millennia !

At 'The Spiritual Adulthood Counseling Project'
we offer a uniquely combined East/West counseling:
an innovative, wholistic, Eastern/Asian influenced
'spiritual variation' of the mind-therapies, clearly based
in the grounded, pragmatic, practical, highly rational
Buddhist psychology teachings. Created for intelligent
and sensitive people - intellectual, gifted or creative
people - odd, wonderfully uncommon people…

"You began as a creation.
Now become a Creator.
Never, never wait at a barrier."
~ Rumi

"Our 'constant inquiry' is our passion –
and our passion itself is our daily task.
'Inquiry' is our passion. From there –
the rest is the marvelous madness of art."

~ Henry James, "The Middle Years"

Buddhist-based Wisdom Therapy
.....offers highly effective,
.......compassionate 'Alternative Approaches' Relating with Your 'Self'
...........and All Other Living Beings
